Monday Blues
The Raving Mad Rambler (RMR) was feeling distinctly blue today. So he decided to wear a fugly blue shirt to work and announce to the world how blue he felt. Please find attached, Picture of "One Fugly blue shirt".

The day did get better though, the RMR met an old friend for lunch.
Ah... ... Meeting someone you have not seen in a long time is such a refreshing and wonderful experience.
Old Friend : " Hi! Wow RMR! You've grown so much fatter."
RMR: "Thanks dear. You look gorgeous with your orangy brown hair. Just like a cao Ah Lian."
*Big Hug* Ahhh... .... With friends like these, who needs enemies....
P.S: Hey Mag, I don't really think you look like cao Ah Lian. But only if you don't really think, I'm fat... :)
Dude, either that shirt's fine, or your colleagues are too polite to tell you that it's fugly. What you need, my friend, is a dedicated fugly-caddy. So whenever you need someone to tell you how fugly your shirt is, you just go to him and he'll spew forth some pearls of fugly and all will be right with the world.
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